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Above: Behind the curtains.
2018. Oil on canvas. 30x50 cm.

Above: Reincarnation into Wechat Family Group.
2018. Oil on canvas. 40x30 cm.

Above: Human-made Human.
2018. Oil on canvas. About 20x40 cm.

Above: Age of Empire III.
2018. Oil on board. 30x40 cm.

Above: Time: Timeless.
2018. Oil on canvas. 30x40 cm.

Above: Doodlers.
2018. Oil on canvas. 60x80 cm.

Above: Games.
2018. Oil on canvas. 60x100 cm.

Above: Ceremonies.
2018. Oil on canvas. 60x100 cm.
About the Works
This series was created in 2018, motivated mainly by a confusion between the playful and the serious.
Enumerating and juxtaposing phenomena to a degree can provide a sense of panorama. However, within the panorama of the works Games and Ceremonies, the juxtaposition does not guarantee a revelation of relationships between individual phenomena, and the interdependence between them is actually absent. Such a panorama is not a naturalism but a simulated one.

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